Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Get out the Dance!

Here is a happening that does not make it in the weekly “Pariscope” entertainment listing but should: Le Bringuebal! A monthly balls-out dance party. This month’s took place in an outer arrondissement near Belleville (as in the setting for the Triplets of Belleville).

I went on Saturday with some girls from lab. I do not know if this is a popular Parisian activity (as I said, it is not in Pariscope), and I do not think it is a typical “boite de nuit” (night club) ambiance. But I do know that it is an activity made for me!

Not many people there were NOT moving to the Bringuebal beat. And wildly! I think the French let out all their inhibitions on the dance floor. Different groups took turns on stage, with no coherent musical theme other than danceable. Big band swing-style, Ska-ish, even a little bit Oompa band.

The very loose theme of the party was the next day’s presidential elections. (They take place on Sunday. Bizarre, non?) A few dancers turned out in mock conservative garb, but looked to me just like the hipster sort crawling Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Some musicians were waving bunches of leeks on stage, in either a related theme (as a rally for the Green Party?) or not.

The finale of the night was a Conga line led by a guy holding a sign reading something like “Attention! La Gauche s’avance” (Watch out, the left is moving ahead).

In the next day’s presidential elections “first tour,” the Socialist candidate Segolene Royal did make it through. Voters were not too tired from Saturday night’s activities or too anxious to flee Paris for the weekend to come out in high numbers. As I am told. Me, I wallowed a bit on Sunday in the feeling of not having a voting voice, surrounded by fellow mute non-citizens at La Cité. I am not decided if I would have put my ballot towards Sego or the Centralist Bayrou. Sure Sego is strong, not to mention a fashion plate in her knee-high boots and accessories. But Bayrou is a candidate who might have stood a chance at defeating the Bush wanna-be Sarkozy. The second and final tour is in two weeks. Yet, it seems like most people, in my lab at least, have conceded to the fact that the fate has been sealed. Even before the one and only presidential debate. The majority of French are delusional and already in line behind Nicolas Sarkozy.

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