Wednesday, September 19, 2007

La Rentrée

Even though La Rentrée* has already come and gone, I am now sending a few pictures of highlights from this summer's travels. Hey, and what do you know?, I made it just in time before the calendar end of summer (the 21st of September, no?)!

I am posted the pictures as a Shutterfly album accessible through this link

I dont know if this link will work and, if not, I will repost it in good time. Due to the recent and WAY unforeseen crashing of my laptop, in other words the instruction manual for my life, I am a bit at a loss and using random public computers. Please cross your fingers for the recovery of my hard drive! And let this post double as a reminder to you to be smarter than me and back up your data. It is after all La Rentree, time to get one's act together!

*"the return" to work after weeks and weeks of summer vacation